The configuration should be the following paths otherwise Rio will use the default configuration.
MacOS and Linux configuration file path is ~/.config/rio/config.toml
Windows configuration file path is C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\rio\config.toml
(replace "USER" with your user name).
Updates to the configuration file automatically triggers Rio to render the terminal with the new configuration.
Note that all parameters without a header must be at the beginning of the file, otherwise they will be ignored. Example:
program = "vi"
args = []
theme = "dracula" # ignore it, be under the `editor` header
theme = "dracula" # it works, be without heading
program = "vi"
args = []
Defining colors in the configuration file will not have any effect if you're using a theme.
The default configuration is without a theme.
# Regular colors
background = '#0F0D0E'
black = '#4C4345'
blue = '#006EE6'
cursor = '#F38BA3'
cyan = '#88DAF2'
foreground = '#F9F4DA'
green = '#0BA95B'
magenta = '#7B5EA7'
red = '#ED203D'
white = '#F1F1F1'
yellow = '#FCBA28'
# Cursor
cursor = '#F712FF'
vi-cursor = '#12d0ff'
# Navigation
tabs = '#12B5E5'
tabs-foreground = '#7d7d7d'
tabs-active = '#303030'
tabs-active-highlight = '#ffa133'
tabs-active-foreground = '#FFFFFF'
bar = '#1b1a1a'
# Search
search-match-background = '#44C9F0'
search-match-foreground = '#FFFFFF'
search-focused-match-background = '#E6A003'
search-focused-match-foreground = '#FFFFFF'
# Selection`
selection-foreground = '#0F0D0E'
selection-background = '#44C9F0'
# Dim colors
dim-black = '#1C191A'
dim-blue = '#0E91B7'
dim-cyan = '#93D4E7'
dim-foreground = '#ECDC8A'
dim-green = '#098749'
dim-magenta = '#624A87'
dim-red = '#C7102A'
dim-white = '#C1C1C1'
dim-yellow = '#E6A003'
# Light colors
light-black = '#ADA8A0'
light-blue = '#44C9F0'
light-cyan = '#7BE1FF'
light-foreground = '#F2EFE2'
light-green = '#0ED372'
light-magenta = '#9E88BE'
light-red = '#F25E73'
light-white = '#FFFFFF'
light-yellow = '#FDF170'
You can also specify RGBA with hex, for example: #43ff64d9
Require confirmation before quitting (Default: true
confirm-before-quit = true
By default, the cursor shape is set to block
. You can also choose from other options like underline
and beam
Additionally, you can enable or disable cursor blinking, which is set to false
by default.
Options: 'block', 'underline', 'beam'
shape = 'block'
Enable/disable blinking (default: false)
blinking = false
Set cursor blinking interval (default: 800, only configurable from 350ms to 1200ms).
blinking-interval = 800
This property enables log level filter and file. The default level is "OFF" and the logs are not logged to a file as default. The level may be DEBUG
or OFF
log-level = "OFF"
enable-log-file = false
If you have any suggestion of configuration ideas to Rio, please feel free to open an issue.