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Rio Terminal

A modern terminal for the 21st century.

Szybki, bez kompromisów

Rio szczyci się wydajnością dzięki wykorzystaniu najnowszych technologii, w tym języka Rust i zaawansowanych architektur renderingu.

24-bitowa głębia kolorów

Zwykłe terminale są ograniczone do 256 kolorów. Rio wspiera głębię "true color" co oznacza że może wyświetlać aż 16 milionów kolorów.

Obrazy w terminalu

Rio potrafi wyświetlać obrazy w terminalu za pomocą protokołów iTerm2 i Sixel.


Rio działa na wielu platformach: Windows, macOS, Linux i FreeBSD.

Font ligatures

Font ligatures support as a way to improve readability of common expressions or operators.


Support to split and manage terminal screens in any platform that you would want to.

RetroArch shaders

Rio support configure custom filters and CRT shaders through RetroArch shader files.

Latest video update

Uwielbiany przez inżynierów

🌈 Rio is one of those rare software projects that delivers S+ performance while maintaining fun and playfulness at its core.
Love Rio terminal by @raphamorims! Written in Rust = super fast, plus has kick-ass features like this. 👊💥
I wish I had known about the #Rio terminal crafted by @raphamorims earlier. It's easy to configure and has great aesthetics out of the box. It's a software made with 💜
I really love this terminal
Eu comecei a usar o Rio term faz uns dias e ta sendo uma experiência muito bacana! parabéns @raphamorims
Installed Rio recently and am impressed how smooth and fast this terminal is. Already set up as my default go-to terminal! Looking forward to the continued development and what is to come. Keep up the awesome job Raphael!
Rapha is not only one of the most talented programmers I've ever met but also one of the best friends I've had in my life. It’s no surprise to me that Rio embodies such exceptional quality and speed. As a terminal emulator, Rio has set a new standard—it’s unquestionably the go-to solution.
Rio is pretty amazing! Excellent work by @raphamorims ✌️
With the recent release of #rio earlier this week it has all the features and polish I need on daily basis, so it became my daily driver immediately.... thanks so much @mustache
I have been using the Rio terminal for 6 months. OMG! Rio is my No.1 terminal ♥️ and is super fast 🚀 . Love using it daily 🎉
I've been dailydriving Rio, it's 🔥
Rio has become my standard terminal emulator for some time and it works well in professional use. Raphael is doing a great work and is awesome at listening to feedback to the community for new and improved features.
It is a privilege to be invited to beta test Rio! It has brought me closer to the code of the project, and I have learned a lot about how to develop a terminal emulator.
One of the few terminal emulators out there with kickass features!
I've been using #Rio terminal by @raphamorims this week and it's super nice. Very easy to use and config.
This week I'm testing rio, a rust based terminal and I need to say: It's amazing! either still beta, could full fill all need working heavily with git/docker/spring/npm , I really recommend to get a try and Kudos to @raphamorims for fantastic job
It’s a tiny one but this release features my first ever contribution to an open source project and it feels so nice to give back to this amazing project that has become my main terminal.
Have been using Rio for few weeks and enjoying the experience so far. I love the colors and the visual around it.
Rio tiene el potencial de ser de las terminales mas rápidas ⚡ y mas personalizables que hay, es una locura.